Methods can be used to remove drywall dust from painted walls.
These steps and methods will be covered as well as tips for preventing drywall dust from getting into your home.
Method 1: Vacuum The Wall
Your vacuum can also clean the floor. It can also be used for cleaning your walls.
Vacuuming drywall dust can be an efficient way to get rid of them. The vacuum draws the dust off the wall's surface. The vacuum then traps the dust in the canister.
These steps will show you how to use a vacuum cleaner to remove drywall dust from painted walls.
Step 1: Attach the Dusting Brush to the Vacuum
A majority of vacuums include a dusting brush. Brushes are useful for removing dust from objects. This tool is especially helpful for removing drywall dust. Attach the dusting brush and vacuum hose to it.
You can use any type of brush to clean your vacuum if it doesn't come with one. If you don't have any cleaning tools, the vacuum hose will work. To compensate for the lack of a brush, you may have to run the hose several times across the surface.
Step 2: Vacuum From Top to Bottom
Turn on your vacuum and begin sucking up dust from the top. Continue moving vertically along the wall until reaching the bottom. The wall will be clean without dust.
This pattern should be followed along the length of the wall. You sometimes have the option to choose how powerful your vacuum is. The vacuum will have more power at high settings. This will enable it to collect more dust, particularly in difficult areas.
It also means that some dust could blow away by the vacuum's sheer power. These areas will need to be cleaned again. You will need to scrub the same area several times on a low setting to get rid of all dust. This is because dust scatters less.
You can choose the power mode that is best suited to the type of cleaning you are looking for.
Step 3: Rub a black T-shirt on the Wall
Once you feel you are done, it is time to do the black t-shirt test. Rub a black t-shirt along the wall. You're done cleaning if it comes out clean.
You should continue vacuuming if you see dust. Continue the steps as necessary.
Step 4: Get rid of all trash outside.
One mistake homeowners make when vacuuming drywall dust is to empty the vacuums within their homes. This can lead to dust spreading through the air. It is possible to find yourself again cleaning up the dust.
You can also take your trash bag outside. Next, take your vacuum outside to empty it into a trash bag. For pick-up, place the trash bag in your outside bin.
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